Covid Measures in place
Response plan (Draft)/Risk assessment /Revised Health and safety policy
- LWR (Lead Work Representative) – John Ward
New cleaner appointed – extra hours for covid cleaning
- Supervision – between classes and times at end and start of breaks
- Staff sign in and sign out book. (At reception) Must be completed. (single use pens)
- Students signing in and out when late (area in back of journal)
- One-way system – social distancing
Signage around school
Sanitising points around school and outside each classroom
Aerosol spray fogger purchased and used in every classroom and communal spaces at end of school day and eating areas after each breaktime
Staff room at 2m spacing, extra food eating stations, screens installed
Polycarbonate screens installed in all offices
Policy of photocopying- teacher sanitise hands before use and before handing out copies
- Induction given to all staff and students, emphasising Hand sansitising, cough etiquette and social distancing
- Use of face coverings are mandatory within 2m, visor in certain circumstances eg. Students with hearing difficulties or learning difficulties.
- Sanctions for removing face coverings, faking symptoms, coughing in direction of staff, purposely failing to maintain physical distance or similar, considered serious breach of code of behaviour
- Available PPE to staff – visors, facemasks, gloves
Students given ppe pack – ziplock bag, tissues and facemask on first day and received training on correct use
- Toilets – Max 2 students – hand dryers decommissioned disposable hand towels in use
- Teachers – Clearing and sanitizing work surfaces in classrooms
- Seating layouts to maintain 2m spacing in all general classrooms(bar room 4 has space for 22 students at 1m spacing but has space for 12 at 2m)
Class seating layouts available
Seating area for 38 students at 2m spacing for break and lunch
- Eating at lunch and break (lunch delivered to room class before lunch?) (Outside area in due course)
Students encouraged to eat outside
Windows and door left open in classes when possible, student allowed wear coats to class, areas for hanging coats decommissioned
- Tuck shop – Supervision 2m spacing
- Letting classes out of room at end of class slowing traffic flow
- Practical classrooms – wipes at all machines before and after use and after using tools
- Computer room 2m spacing wipes provided
- Front door and hatch, keypad and fob entry in due course on both front doors
- Old building one-way system (art room exit via emergency exit)
- Lockers (1st 2nd and 3rd year for first 3 weeks) review at end of this week
- Students coming from old building to new, signage in place
- If a student or teacher becomes unwell – isolation room detailed instruction given
- Students arriving to school as close to 8.55 as possible go straight to classroom (all doors fully open every morning except Metalwork/Woodwork Room)
- School visits (virtual encouraged) contact tracing log in place
Excel sheets of class groupings
Covid related map of school available