Guidance and Counselling is a special service aimed at helping students deal with their lives now and in the future. ‘Guidance’ refers mainly to work with class groups where more general topics are dealt with while ‘Counselling’ is by appointment enabling the student to discuss more private topics in confidentiality.

Guidance in the school includes a number of core areas which are outlined below.

Counselling – helping students to explore their thoughts and feelings, and the choices open to them; giving care and support to students learning to cope with the many aspects of growing up. A central issue regarding counselling is confidentiality.

Appointments- all students can make an appointment to see the Guidance Counsellor. Appointments are normally for one class period. Parents and Guardians are most welcome to visit the Guidance counsellor and are recommended to arrange the visit in advance by telephone or note. The Guidance Department is particularly appreciative of advance information which may help us to give a better service to your son or daughter in this school.

Classroom Guidance Activities: Providing classroom based learning experiences that are relevant to the objectives of the school guidance programme.  Such experiences may include information giving, information and communication technologies (ICT), skills development (e.g. planning, decision-making, study skills, communication, values clarification), and vocation preparation.

Planning and Organising Workplace Learning: Provision is made, particularly in LCVP classes, for work based on work simulation learning experiences, which are relevant to the personal and social, educational and career learning objectives of the school guidance programme.  Such experiences include work experience, work shadowing, visits to workplace, training centres. The guidance counsellor organises visits to higher education institutes.

Information – providing students with objective and factual data on education and training opportunities, occupations, labour market information, entitlements etc.


To point out the importance of helping adolescents acquire and process accurate developmentally appropriate information and to identify the requisite competencies for providing that assistance.

  • Have a systematic organisation of information
  • Integrate information services with counselling, consulting and guidance
  • Provide opportunities to process information successfully

Assessment – helping students to obtain a better self-understanding through the use of psychometric tests and other inventories.

Helping students with personal decision making is the most legitimate use of assessment services in school counselling.

This includes consultation with parents, school staff, students and occasionally others outside of school. During the school year the Guidance Counsellor deals with a wide range of professionals who are working with young people.

Within the school: Parents, Management, Class teachers, Office, Subject teachers, Remedial Teachers, Home School and Community Liaison person.

Outside the school: Education Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists, Social Workers, IOSPCC, Gardai, Juvenile Liaison Officer, FAS, Employers, College.

Activities for Guidance Counsellor

  • Individual Consultation with the parents at the request of either part of through referral from other school staff
  • Individual consultations with students by student/teacher request.
  • Attend Parent Teacher Meetings
  • Explain Guidance counsellor’s role to parents of First Year Students.
  • Distribution of Information brochure to parents
  • Help with subject choice for second year
  • Explain senior cycle courses and subject choice
  • Explain options after the Leaving Certificate including CAO and points system